

sliiks.com is a new online business providing state of the art modern comfortable and supportive dance practice footwear


The shoe will give you the proper foundation you need for the activity you’re doing, be it walking, running to stay fit or playing basketball a few times a week. But, we advise against having one pair to cover all purposes. The activity you do most often will determine how much support and cushioning you’ll need. Having the right shoes will help prevent injuries, offer more support and flexibility in your chosen activity.

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Some people like to feel like they’re walking on clouds with a responsive shoe with more padding. Others may prefer a more natural feel where they can feel the road beneath them. The padding is there to protect the joints, tendons and tissues by reducing the impact.


While the shoe’s style is important to some, you shouldn’t solely base your decision on aesthetics. Sneakers won’t offer the same support as running shoes, as manufacturers optimize running shoes for constant impact and forward motion. On the other hand, training shoes are designed to move in multiple directions and have more traction on the sole.

The team at sliiks.com are always a pleasure to work with.”

Jane Miller


We are Eco-domain. We sell domain names with the option of website, email and hosting support.

Because when a visitor finds your domain, you’re a stranger to them. But with a ready made simple website, They can get to know you in order to want to read your blog posts, subscribe to your email newsletter, or buy what you’re selling.


we’re here to answer any questions.

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